L to Gal Converter - Convert Litres (L) to Gallon (gal).
Conversion Result:
The Litres to Gallon Converter: A Handy Tool for Liquid Measurements
Our Liter to Gallon converter is a nifty tool that helps you convert the volume of liquids from litres (l) to gallons (gal) or vice versa.
A litre is a metric unit used to measure volume, while a gallon is an imperial unit for the same purpose. Since both measure the volume of substances, converting from one to the other simply requires a conversion ratio.
Using the Converter
To use our converter, you can enter either the liter or gallon value, and it will automatically calculate the equivalent amount in the other unit.
For example, let's say you enter:
20 liters
Our tool will show that 20 liters is equal to:
5.26 gallons
How many Litres is a Gallon?
Converting between liters and gallons is straightforward:
- To convert liters to gallons: Divide the liter value by 3.8. For instance, 15 liters ÷ 3.8 = 3.95 gallons.
- To convert gallons to liters: Multiply the gallon value by 3.8. For example, 6 gallons × 3.8 = 22.8 liters.
It's interesting to note that a gallon is equivalent to 4 quarts, 8 pints, or 16 cups, making it a useful unit for measuring larger volumes of liquids.

Other Similar Calculators
Check out other calculators that are similar to this one.
How many gallons are there in 12 litres?
There are 3.17 gallons in 12 litres. Use the formula: gallons = liters ÷ 3.8
How many liters are in 8 gallons?
There are 30.4 liters in 8 gallons. Use the formula: liters = gallons × 3.8
How do I convert 35 liters to gallons?
To convert 35 liters to gallons:
- Divide 35 by 3.8 (35 ÷ 3.8)
- The result is 9.21 gallons
1 US gallon is how many liters?
1 US gallon is equal to 3.8 liters.
How many gallons in 1 liter?
1 liter is equal to approximately 0.264 gallons. To convert 1 liter to gallons, divide 1 by 3.8 (1 ÷ 3.8 = 0.264 gallons).
2 gallons is how many litres?
2 gallons is equal to 7.6 litres. To convert gallons to litres, multiply the gallon value by 3.8 (2 gallons × 3.8 = 7.6 litres).
20 gallons is how many litres?
20 gallons is equal to 76 litres. To convert 20 gallons to liters, multiply 20 by 3.8 (20 × 3.8 = 76 litres).
Why do we need to convert between litres and gallons?
Liters and gallons are different units of volume used in different measurement systems. Liters are part of the metric system, while gallons are a unit in the US customary system. Converting between these units is necessary when working with different quantities or adjusting recipe amounts.
Can you give an example of when liter to gallon conversion is useful?
Sure! Let's say you're following a recipe from a British cookbook, and it calls for 4 gallons of milk. However, you're more familiar with liter measurements. Using the liter to gallon converter, you can quickly find that 4 gallons is equal to 15.14 liters. This makes it much easier to measure out the correct amount of milk for the recipe.
Converting between liters and gallons is a breeze with our handy tool and these simple steps. Give it a try the next time you need to measure or adjust liquid volumes!