M to Ft Converter - Convert Metres (M) to Feet (Ft).
Conversion Result:
The Metres to Feet Converter: A Useful Tool for Length Measurements
Our Metres to Feet converter is a handy tool that helps you convert lengths from Metres (m) to feet (ft) or vice versa.
A meter is a metric unit used to measure length, while a foot is an imperial unit for the same purpose. Since both measure linear distances, converting from one to the other simply requires a conversion factor.
How do I change meters to feet?
Converting between meters and feet is a straightforward process. You just need to remember a simple conversion factor.
One meter is approximately equal to 3.281 feet or 3 feet and a little over 3 inches. So if you have a length in meters and want to know what it is in feet, you multiply the number of meters by 3.281.
For example, if you have 5 meters, to convert to feet:
5 meters x 3.281 = 16.405 feet
The conversion also works the other way around. One foot equals about 0.3048 meters. So if you have a length in feet and need to get it in meters, you multiply the number of feet by 0.3048.
Let's say you have 10 feet. To get that in meters:
10 feet x 0.3048 = 3.048 meters
It's handy to remember these simple conversion factors when you need to go between the two common units of length measurement.

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How many feet are in 1 meter?
1 meter is equal to approximately 3.281 feet or 3 feet and a little over 3 inches (3.37 inches to be precise). This conversion factor comes from the definitions and mathematical relationships between the two units of measurement.
How many meters are in 1 foot?
1 foot is equal to approximately 0.3048 meters. This is the inverse of the conversion from meters to feet. Since 1 meter equals about 3.281 feet, 1 foot must equal 1 divided by 3.281 meters, which is approximately 0.3048 meters.
How do I convert the following lengths to feet?
To convert a length in meters to feet, you multiply the number of meters by 3.28084. This gives you
an exact conversion. For example:
1.2 meters = 1.2 x 3.28084 = 3.937 feet
1.5 meters = 1.5 x 3.28084 = 4.921 feet
1.6 meters = 5.249 feet
1.65 meters = 5.413 feet
1.78 meters = 5.843 feet
1.8 meters = 5.906 feet
2 meters = 6.562 feet
2.5 meters = 8.202 feet
3 meters = 9.843 feet
4 meters = 13.123 feet
5 meters = 16.404 feet
6 meters = 19.685 feet
8 meters = 26.247 feet
9 meters = 29.528 feet
10 meters = 32.808 feet
15 meters = 49.212 feet
20 meters = 65.617 feet
25 meters = 82.021 feet
30 meters = 98.425 feet
40 meters = 131.234 feet
50 meters = 164.042 feet
60 meters = 196.850 feet
100 meters = 328.084 feet
200 meters = 656.168 feet
300 meters = 984.252 feet
If you want a close approximate value instead of an exact conversion, you can multiply the number of
meters by 3.281 (which is 3.28084 rounded to 3 decimal places).
How do I convert the following lengths to meters?
To convert a length in feet to meters, you multiply the number of feet by 0.3048. For example:
3 feet = 3 x 0.3048 = 0.914 meters
6 feet = 6 x 0.3048 = 1.828 meters
10 feet = 3.048 meters
25 feet = 7.62 meters
40 feet = 12.192 meters
50 feet = 15.24 meters
100 feet = 30.48 meters
This gives you an exact meter value from the feet input.
How can I convert feet to meters or meters to feet easily?
The easiest way is to use our Meters to Feet conversion calculator tool. Just enter the length in whichever unit you have, and it will automatically convert it to the other unit for you using the proper conversion factors.
However, if you need to make conversions manually, use the rules above - multiply meters by 3.28084 to get feet, or multiply feet by 0.3048 to get meters. Rounding the multipliers to 3.281 and 0.3048 will give you close approximate answers.
How do I convert 1 meter to feet?
To convert one meter to feet:
- Take the number 1
- Multiply it by 3.28084
- That's it! The result is 3.28084 feet
For approximate results, multiply one by 3.281, which equals 3.281 feet.
How do I convert 1.2 meters to feet?
To convert 1.2 meters to feet:
- Take the number 1.2
- Multiply it by 3.28084
- That's it! The result is 3.93701 feet
For approximate results, multiply 1.2 by 3.281, which equals 3.937 feet.
How do I convert 10 feet to meters?
To convert 10 feet to meters:
- Take the number 10
- Multiply it by 0.3048
- That's it! The result is 3.048 meters
How do I convert 100 feet to meters?
To convert 100 feet to meters:
- Take the number 100
- Multiply it by 0.3048
- That's it! The result is 30.48 meters
How do I convert 25 meters to feet?
To convert 25 meters to feet:
- Take the number 25
- Multiply it by 3.28084
- That's it! The result is 82.021 feet
For approximate results, multiply 25 by 3.281, which equals 82.025 feet.