Days Between Dates Calculator - Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates


Our Days Between Dates Calculator helps you figure out how many days lie between two different dates. Are you wondering how much time has passed since an important event happened? Or maybe you need to know how many days remain until an upcoming occasion?
Our days between dates calculator has you covered. As an added bonus, you can see the results expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, or years.

Using the Days Between Dates Calculator

Follow these simple steps to count the days separating two dates:

  1. Enter a date into the start date field or Click the calendar icon in the "Start Date" field.
  2. Select the earlier date you want to start counting from. Use the arrows to change the month and year if needed.
  3. Enter a date into the end date field or Click the calendar icon for the "End Date" field.
  4. Choose the later date you want to count up to.
  5. The calculator will automatically show the number of days between those two dates by default. As a bonus, you will also see the number of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, and years between those two dates.
Days Between Dates Calculator

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How do I calculate the days between two dates?

To find the days separating two dates:

  1. Subtract the start date from the end date.
  2. If the dates are in different years, calculate the full years first.
  3. Then calculate any leftover months.
  4. Finally, calculate any remaining days.
  5. Convert it all to one consistent unit like days.
  6. Add up the days from years, months, and leftover days.

How many days from December 15, 2022 to January 20, 2023?

  • = 1 year (2023 - 2022)
  • = 1 month (January)
  • = 5 days (20th - 15th)
  • = 1 year + 1 month + 5 days
  • = 365 days + 31 days + 5 days
  • = 401 total days

How many days December 1, 2020 to June 1, 2021?

  • = 182 days
  • = 4,368 hours
  • = 262,080 minutes
  • = 15,724,800 seconds

How many days from July 4th to July 26th?

There are 22 days between July 4th and July 26th.

The calculation is: July 26th - July 4th = 22 days

If you want to include the end date, add 1 to get 23 days.

So whether your dates are days, months or even years apart, this calculator makes it easy to count the span in between! Just enter the start and end dates.
