Welcome to That Calculator
We are here to help you Calculate with ease, and find 'that calculator' you need!
math to complex calculations,
we've got you covered.
Popular calculators
Check out some of our popular calculators.
Gradient Calculator
Our gradient calculator is the perfect tool for finding the gradient of a line from two points on that line. Our calculator shows the rise, run and gradient.
Slope Calculator
Do you want to calculate slope? Our slope calculator helps you easily calculate the slope of a line or curve. Our slope calculator will also show you the Y-intercept, Line equation, Angle with X-axis, Slope as a Percentage, Distance between two points, and more.
Litres to Gallon Converter
Our Liter to Gallon converter is a nifty tool that helps you convert the volume of liquids from liters (l) to gallons (gal) or vice versa.
Slope Intercept Form Calculator
Our slope intercept form calculator is a handy tool for finding the equation of a line from any two points that this line passes through. Our calculator shows the coefficients of slope and y-intercept, as well as the x-intercept using the slope intercept formulas
Feet and Inches Calculator
Have you ever struggled with adding up feet and inches or figuring out the area of your room? Well, you're in luck! A Feet and Inches Calculator is here to save the day.
Due Date Calculator
The due date calculator (also called a pregnancy calculator) helps answer the question: "When is my baby due?" Our tool estimates the due date for your baby's birth.
Bar to Psi Conversion
Our Bar to Psi converter is the perfect tool to convert pressure from bar to psi or vice versa quickly.
Percentage Change Calculator
Our percentage change calculator will help you calculate the percentage change between two values, provide the two values and our calculator will do the rest.
At ThatCalculator.com, our mission is to provide a one-stop hub for all your calculation needs. We believe that everyone deserves easy access to tools that make calculations simple and efficient. Learn more