Circumference to Diameter Calculator - Convert a circumference to a diameter.


The circumference to diameter calculator is a handy tool for converting circumferences to diameters. All you need is the circumference and our calculator will do the rest.

How to use the Circumference to Diameter Calculator

To use the calculator, enter the circumference in cm and click on the Calculate button.

What is Circumference?

Circumference is the distance around the outer edge of a circle. It measures how long the circle's boundary is. Circumference is an important concept in geometry and helps us understand and work with circles.

Formula for Circumference

The formula to calculate the circumference (C) of any circle is:

C = π × d

In this formula:

  • C represents the circumference
  • π (pi) is a constant number equal to approximately 3.14159
  • d is the diameter of the circle

There is an alternative formula if you know the radius (r) of the circle instead of the diameter:

C = 2 × π × r

Circumference to Diameter Calculator

The Circumference to Diameter Formula

There is a fixed relationship between the circumference and diameter of a circle. The circumference of any circle is equal to π (pi) multiplied by the diameter. We can write this as:

C = π × d

By rearranging this formula, we can find the diameter (d) if we know the circumference (C):

d = C / π

How to Find Circumference from Diameter: An Example

Let's say we want to find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 10 meters.

First, we substitute the values into the circumference formula:

C = π × d
C = 3.14159 × 10
C = 31.4159 meters

Therefore, the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 10 meters is approximately 31.4159 meters.

How to Find the Circumference of a Circle

To find the circumference of a circle, follow these steps:

  1. Measure or determine the diameter (d) or radius (r) of the circle.
  2. If you have the diameter, use the formula: C = π × d
  3. If you have the radius, use the formula: C = 2 × π × r
  4. Substitute the value of diameter or radius into the formula.
  5. Calculate to find the circumference.


Can the circumference be smaller than the diameter?

No, the circumference of a circle is always greater than its diameter. The circumference represents the complete distance around the circle, while the diameter is a straight line going across the circle.

Do all circles have the same circumference to diameter ratio?

Yes, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is always equal to π (pi) for any circle, regardless of its size.

How does the circumference change when the radius changes?

The circumference of a circle is directly proportional to its radius. If the radius increases, the circumference increases. If the radius decreases, the circumference decreases.

Can a circle have an infinite circumference?

No, a circle cannot have an infinite circumference. The circumference is a finite measurement determined by the diameter or radius of the circle.

Why is circumference important?

Circumference is an essential concept in geometry and has many practical applications. It is used to calculate the distance around circular objects, determine the length of circular paths or tracks, and find the area of a circle. Understanding circumference is crucial in fields like engineering, construction, and manufacturing.

What is the circumference of a 6-foot diameter circle?

18.8496 feet. To convert diameter to circumference:

  1. Take the diameter.
  2. Multiply it by the number pi (π).
  3. In this case, the circumference equals: π × 6 ft = 18.8496 ft.

How do I get diameter from circumference?

Divide the circumference value by the number pi (π), or use the formula d = c/π. That's how you find the diameter of a circle with its circumference.
